Saturday, February 8, 2014

Stylish Yet Comfortable

I am a marketing person by trade however I am really am not much of a writer. The most I ever have to write is a brief blog post for work or a press release so when I decided to pursue my own personal blog, well, it took some time as I just wasn't sure this was the route I should go. Here I am attempting this thing they call blogging.

My goal is to talk fashion as that is really what my passion is. I read so many fashion blogs and by read I mean I look at their outfit pictures and then most times shop online for those pieces I have fallen in love with and decided I must have. I am definitely a marketing person's dream as I am an impulse shopper and really could find something I like any where!

My style is stylish yet comfortable, hence the name of my blog. I have some pieces in my closet that are amazing however if I am not comfortable and have to spend most of the day fussing with my outfit, I just won't wear it again.

Some of my most favorite pieces in my closet are from the fashion bloggers that I follow so I hope to one day do that for others. Stay tuned for outfit pictures and stylish tips as I travel this fashion journey.

   Follow my blog with Bloglovin


  1. Yay Carrie! So glad you're diving into your passion. Looking forward to your ootds! <3
